Our July Hunt Test and Owner Handler Qualifying is now open for entries at Entry Express. In addition to a Qualifying stake we are offering a Master (limit 60 dogs), and double Junior and Senior stakes. Join us in scenic Addison, VT for this event.
Month: May 2013
Club test cancelled
Dear LCRC members:
While we are by practice not a club which cancels events due to weather, tomorrow’s event must be cancelled.
– Severe flooding in NE Chittenden County is likely to make travel anywhere impossible for some, dangerous for others.
– To top that off, it is simply the responsible thing to do to prevent vehicle damage to the lawns of our gracious hosts in Northfield. Everything is sodden and the rain won’t be stopping for at least 24 more hours.
Ken Bora thanks every one who had let him know you planned to attend: we had 20 dogs signed up! Knowing who you are makes is easy to telephone you in today’s situation. If you did not preregister but planned to show up anyway, sure hope you get this email or get the word from our website or Facebook sites.
We will likely reschedule this club test at a later date.
I huge thank you to those who pre-registered, and we look forward to trying again soon. Stay safe.
Lake Champlain Retriever
Jennifer Adsit, Secretary
2013 Spring NAHRA

Another NAHRA test is done and in the LCRC history books. After a cold spring, the weather couldn’t have been more perfect. The scenery was beautiful, the dog work was fun to watch and the test went off without a hitch. Thank you to all the workers and judges as well as contestants for making it such a great event.

FT Raffle Update
BENEFIT RAFFLE Support the Lake Champlain Retriever Club’s 2013 AKC Member Club Field Trial, August 23-24-25, Morrisville VT
Tickets: $5.00 each or five for $20.00!
1. The Blue Moon Café A complimentary gourmet dinner for two at the excellent Blue Moon Café in Stowe Village, either Thursday, August 22nd or Friday, August 23rd. Gift excludes alcoholic beverages, tax and gratuity. The restaurant, located on a side street about a block from Route 100, is a favorite for some discerning diners we know. The café website is http://www.bluemoonstowe.com; take a look! Telephone: (802) 253-7006. Donated by owner/proprietor Jim Barton.
2. Mill Village Road B&B Win a complimentary night for two on Thursday, August 22, the night before the LCRC trial, at Nancy Moran’s gem of a B&B, Mill Village Road B&B, near Craftsbury Common. The website is http://www.millvillageroad.com; take a look at this classic house, handy lists of things to do, great places to eat locally. There is a large field for airing your dogs while you are there. Nancy will provide a suitably early Continental breakfast on Friday the 23rd. Her B&B is located 25 pleasant minutes’ drive from our trial grounds in Morrisville. Donated by Nancy.
3. Mill Village Road B&B If you did not win the first chance, here is a second chance for a complimentary night for two on Thursday, August 22nd, at Nancy’s Mill Village Road B&B. She has donated two double occupancy rooms – so each raffle ticket you purchase gives you two chances to win a night there. The rooms are each normally $125.00 per night.
4. A deluxe picnic & gift basket loaded with locally-produced Vermont specialty food and beverage items is the fourth prize in our raffle. The basket’s value will be at least $80.00. Items donated by local merchants, local maple producers and fans of the LCRC field trial.
5. One half gallon of 2013 crop 100% Pure Vermont Maple Syrup from Bora’s Maple Works, Bristol VT. Value: $25.00. Donated by Ken Bora. www.facebook.com/pages/Boras-Maple-Works
6. One half gallon of 2013 crop 100% Pure Vermont Maple Syrup from Butler Family Maple, Johnson VT. Value: $25.00. Donated by David & Terry Butler. https://www.butlermaple.com
7. One half gallon of 2013 crop 100% Pure Vermont Maple Syrup from #15 Schoolhouse Maple, Starksboro VT. Value: $25.00. Donated by David & Jennifer Adsit
EACH raffle ticket you purchase gives you SEVEN chances to win a prize! Be sure we have your current best phone number on the stub.
Tickets will be drawn by an impartial person and two official observers on Sunday, August 4th. The first ticket drawn will be for prize #1 as listed here, the second, for prize #2, and so on.
Winners will be contacted immediately by phone so further arrangements can be made for dinner and lodging prizes. Items 4 and #5 will be hand-delivered as soon as you arrive on LCRC trial weekend. The Field Trial Secretary or Chair can expedite this – contact either of them as you roll into town! (over, please)
OUR GREAT THANKS to the following individuals and businesses who so far have generously assisted this project:
Nancy Moran, Mill Village Road B&B, Craftsbury Common VT http://www.millvillageroad.com
Jim Barton, The Blue Moon Café , 35 School Street, Stowe, VT http://www.bluemoonstowe.com
Patti Roberts, Beaverdam Retrievers
Mark Bove, Bove’s Restaurant, 68 Pearl Street, Burlington VT http://boves.com
Long Trail Brewing Company, Bridgewater Corners VT www.longtrail.com
Ken Bora, Bora’s Maple Works, Bristol VT
David & Terry Butler, Butler Family Maple, JohnsonVT www.butlermaple.com
Adsit, Kling & Adsit, #15 Schoolhouse Maple, StarksboroVT
Judy Burrows, Black Dog Art, http://www.etsy.com/people/judyaburrows
Raffle tickets are available from
Some excellent LCRC friends (Thank You!), or from LCRC members as below:
Patti Roberts
Nancy Moran
Sally Bridges
Betsy Bernhard
Tom or Bonnie Ritchotte
Terry Butler, Field Trial Secretary
Jennifer Adsit, Trial Chair
Phil Irmischer
2013 Singles Winners
From Deb Brown:
Congratulations to the winners of the 2013 LCRC Singles Championship!
1st – Dave’s Foolish Pleasure (“Cam”), Dave Connor
2nd – East Coast Mavrick (“Mavrick”), Dave Connor

1st – Northledge Covey Of Idol Times (“Covey”), Deb Brown (is Covey the youngest to run this event at 5 months?)
2nd – Killyglass Cash and Carry JH WC (“Carrie”), Sally Young
Big thanks to our kind and generous hosts, Glenn and Judy Symon, owners of the breathtakingly beautiful Peaceable Hill Preserve in Shoreham. Also big thanks to Kim Smith and Judy Knope for planning and organizing such a fun day for our LCRC members (including homemade lunch), and to Kim and Rod Mack for setting up and judging a challenging set of single marks for everyone to enjoy. We owe special appreciation to Bill Levee for throwing gorgeous, high, consistent marks all morning long. I think my puppy was lobbying for me to bring him home with us; she thinks Bill is near the top of the list of things she likes best now! And finally thanks to all the smiling members for a good turnout and new-found motivation to get on with the spring training season – can this long winter really be over at last?! We had a nice variety of breeds competing, including a Toller, several Flat-coats, a couple of Goldens and the ubiquitous Labradors. Hope to see everyone (and then some) back again next year.