The 34th annual LCRC AKC Member Club Field Trial was successfully run last weekend. The weather was beautiful, the dog work was a joy to watch, and the trial ran smoothly thanks to many helpers. A huge thank you goes out to the field trial committee – Jennifer Adsit, Tom Ritchotte, David Butler, Patti Roberts and Tim Mueller for their help pulling the event off. Our key helpers included Andy Leinoff and Wendy Jones, Susan Menne, Bruce and Vicki Butler, Sally Bridges, Bonnie Ritchotte, Sam Anderson, Mark Isenberg, John and Marge Stouffer and many others. Even the competitors gave a helping hand where needed to keep the trial running smoothly – a huge thank you to Deb and Jerry Wilks, Pete Plourde and others for helping out where needed. Our gunners as usual did a fantastic job – Richard Smith, Olen Bielsky and Bob Walton are regulars at the trial by now. Allen Stearns and Ben Charrette were as always bird throwers and helpers extraordinaire.
I hope I didn’t forget anyone – if so I apologize.
Terry Johansson, FT Chair